Published by ITGL
October 29, 2024
t: 0333 666 5777e:
ITGL Limited, Trafalgar House,
223 Southampton Road,
Portsmouth, PO6 4PY
As one of the UK’s leading digital consultancies and suppliers to the public sector, ITGL is pleased to announce its inclusion as a named supplier on the recently released G-Cloud 14 – the latest revision of the government-backed framework for cloud suppliers.
Introduced to help enable those in the public sector to procure cloud-based services – including hosting, software, and cloud support – G-Cloud 14 is a critical framework for organisations across healthcare, education, and local government. This latest version features a number of benefits intended to further enhance the offerings from G-Cloud 13, including access to multiple new cloud services, a quick and easy route to market, and access to the latest in cloud technology and innovation.
For G-Cloud 14, ITGL has successfully placed on Lot 2 Cloud Software and Lot 3 Cloud Support. These placements allow us to offer all public sector organisations a wide variety of cloud-based services, including:
Lot 2 Cloud Software
Lot 3 Cloud Support
This inclusion on the G-Cloud 14 framework further bolsters our presence within the UK public sector, building on last year’s acceptance onto the Crown Commercial Service’s Network Services 3 (RM6116), and the Higher Education Networking Supply and Services (HENNS2) frameworks. In addition to these frameworks, ITGL is also named as a supplier on the CPC, NOECPC, and Everything ICT frameworks. More information on all of these can be found on our Purchasing Frameworks page.
You can find out more about G-Cloud 14 on the Crown Commercial Service website. If you would like to find out more about the services we can offer your organisation, please get in touch with our expert Public Sector Team at