t: 0333 666 5777e: hello@itgl.com

ITGL Limited, Trafalgar House,
223 Southampton Road,
Portsmouth, PO6 4PY

Cyber security 

The world around us is changing, and technology continues to accelerate. As our use of technology increases, and momentum shifts to the cloud, we become increasingly vulnerable to cyber attack. With cyber crime now equivalent to the world’s third largest economy, we can no longer proceed as though we will not be the ones to fall victim; we should instead assume that at some point a breach will occur.

Cyber crime didn't become such big business by accident. In order to grow to such an extent, cyber criminals have had to become smarter – and if we're to effectively defend against their attacks, we must similarly evolve.  Deploying the basics is no longer enough. Effective protection does not come 'out of the box'. 

Our approach 

Although the threat landscape is becoming broader and more sophisticated, your defence against it does not need to be complex. Our approach seeks to remove complexity and empower our clients to increase their resilience and preserve their reputations, maximising the use of existing investments. We do this by taking a three-phase approach to cyber security.


Sometimes, knowing where to start is the most difficult part. We help to identify your starting point for improved security maturity, through the use of assessments and optimisation services.


Once a vulnerability in your defence has been determined, resolution is essential. Using a combination of consultancy services and specialist vendor toolkits from Microsoft and Cisco, we address your vulnerabilities to increase protection and improve your ability to detect and respond.
