t: 0333 666 5777e: hello@itgl.com

ITGL Limited, Trafalgar House,
223 Southampton Road,
Portsmouth, PO6 4PY

Managed Detection and Response

Most organisations continue to measure their response to malicious activity in weeks and months, yet cyber criminals can often conduct their entire attacks within hours. As cyber crime matures and becomes more sophisticated, and the odds are now firmly stacked against us. At the same time, the cost to businesses that fail to repel these attacks continues to climb, with the average cost of a data breach incident reaching £3.4m in 2023.

The implementation of zero-trust systems is important, but not enough to recover the advantage, as attackers reliably exploit gaps in the systems and evade automatic preventative security controls.

The only way to take back control is to be prepared. To combine security tooling with expert-driven human detection that can quickly identify threats and respond to them before they cause damage.

How we help

Whilst many organisations know that detection and response is vital, few have the internal resource to manage it effectively. We provide a solution by filling your resource gap, and ensuring you get the response you need.

Our state-of-the-art managed detection and response (MDR) service instantly gives you the capabilities of a high-end Security Operations Center (SOC). By combining your existing security controls with our specialist security tool kit and our our industry-leading human experts, we give you back the advantage without disrupting everything else you have to do.


Low deployment Cost

Cost-effective Subscription

Instant access to experts

Our approach

As well as detecting and preventing security incidents, we strive to continuously improve your security maturity. By providing ongoing recommendations and assistance from a dedicated senior security analyst, we can grow together and ensure your security strategy and roadmap are implemented to their full potential.

In addition, we produce monthly reports tailored to upper management, CISOs, and security engineering, to ensure everyone has the information they need.

Developing a partnership with our clients is essential. We do not work as an extension of your team; we work as part of your team. Our clients trust us with their reputation and, in return, we provide them with a good night’s sleep.

Available offerings

Our Cyberdefense offering is a set of customisable managed detection and response solutions that provides you with attack prevention, incident detection, and incident response capability, consumed as a simple managed service. Simply pick the option that best describes your needs, or chat with our specialist team for advice.

  • 24×7 endpoint (EPP/EDR) monitoring
  • 80%+ risk coverage
  • Extremely fast deployment and negligible environment footprint

  • 24×7 endpoint, identity, SaaS, and network monitoring
  • 90%+ risk coverage
  • Fast deployment and small environment footprint

  • 24×7 monitoring using any data source
  • Risk coverage depending on included data sources
  • Managed Elastic SIEM
  • Longer deployment and larger environment footprint

Get in Touch

To get in touch with our security experts please fill out the form below: